3 Common Mistakes Made When Getting A Divorce

It's not uncommon with emotions running at an all time high, for our judgment to become clouded and perhaps make irrational choices, especially in sensitive areas such as divorces.<br />With these life changing decisions, these are commonly seen mistakes made during the process:
1. Venting on Social Media
Let's face it. We live in a time of we need it right now, and right now often includes blowing off steam instantly to all and sundry on social media, after all we can barely go five minutes without checking or posting on our social media .  Posting about delicate matters such as divorces can hurt you in the long run and can be used against you especially is children are involved. The interests of a child are paramount and the court may not look favourably on a person who trashes their spouse or child etc and your pictures online.
2. Using your children as pawns.
Along similar lines, it is imperative to remember that you are parents first.  Refrain from Coaching a child to tell lies about a spouse in a custody battle for example, with backfire in the long run, in court and even worse hurt the child. The court treats the interests of the child as paramount and will accordingly act in their best interest.
3. Failing to DiscloseThe courts in Jamaica do not treat divorces frivously. Accordingly, in seeking a divorce it is important to disclose the truth to the Attorney, any assets you may have jointly, and the reasons that you are seeking a divorce as these grounds need to be substantial.
Of course, there are a lot of mistakes the parties make. we have experience and knowledge in helping you our clients avoid these mistakes, you can contact us  for our services. We look forward to hearing from you. Fill out our contact form below!

Comments (2)

Andrene Leach
Said this on 9-26-2019 At 05:05 pm

Good day,
I would like to know how quickly I could get a divorce after being apart from my husband for over 15 years.
Kind Regards,

The Law Offices of Deanna McFarlane
Said this on 9-27-2019 At 10:10 pm
Good day Andrene, Thank you for your comment. We emailed you our reply from our second email address:mcfarlaneandassociates@gmail.com. In this email, the steps and procedures are set out. The time period for a divorce in Jamaica varies. With the improvement in our court system it can take as quickly as a year. Note however, that this is dependant on a lot of variables and circumstances of the divorce.
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