Who needs a prenuptial agreement?

Who needs a prenuptial agreement?

Prenuptial agreements sounds like a foreign concept for the rich and famous, however, it is not just for the movie stars and is very applicable in this jurisdiction. Examples of individuals that may need prenuptial agreements are the divorcee that endured a messy divorce and has to deal with arrangements for the children and property, in such a scenario pre-nuptial agreements certainly come in handy. Also, for the young couple,with substantial assets, a prenuptial agreement is a viable option

It is prudent to note that prenuptial agreements can cause some areas of anxiety and discord  for several reasons which are:

- It is unpleasant to discuss separation in the same conversation as the marriage, because prenuptial agreements are  let’s face it..not romantic.

- There is usually disparity between the net worth and earning potential of the spouses (especially where one spouse may have more means or come from a wealthy family)

- The dialogue about the prenuptial agreement usually takes place close to the date of the wedding and interrupts time that should be spent planning the wedding.

- It is very prudent to discuss financial issues before getting married, especially in premarital counseling, so they are sometimes first mentioned by lawyers and, with each party needing to have an attorney, it is not uncommon for the dialogue to  become adversarial and rather contentious.

- For younger couples, the family's influence and pressure may make it more difficult to negotiate the terms of the agreement.

It should also be noted that the existence of a prenuptial agreement is no guarantee that there will be no court actions concerning marital property. There are many examples of cases in which the parties to prenuptial agreements make claims in court to avoid being bound by the agreements.

Do you need help as it relates to pre-nuptial agreements? Contact our experienced team of #familylawyers and #divorcelawyers for help today. Contact numbers are 876 388 0935 and mcfarlaneandassociates@gmail.com

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