Terms Used in Divorce Proceedings in Jamaica

So you've made the decision to get a divorce, the problem is your head is now spinning with all the legal jargon that you are encountering.

At the Law Offices of Deanna McFarlane, we believe in breaking down the terms for you our clients. After all,  it is well known that legal terms being used to clients seeking a divorce often causes confusion.

We've got you covered with an explanation of the terms commonly used:-

1.“Petition”- Originating legal document that starts the divorce proceedings. This document sets out the details of the parties and the grounds of the divorce.

2.“Petitioner”- The party commencing and seeking the divorce ie: the husband/wife

3.“Respondent”- The other party in the divorce ie: the husband/wife

4.“Relevant Child”- A child that is a minor.

5.“Child of the marriage”- A child that is born in the union between the parties.

6.“Not a relevant child”- Means a child that is not a minor (over the age of 18 years).

This list is by no means exhaustive and is part 1 with an upcoming part 2. Keep checking this blog for an upcoming article.

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