FAQs on Divorce

We've noticed  a large volume of our clients' and potential clients' keep asking the same questions so we've itemised the top  FAQs from our articles and based on requests.

FAQ 1:How long do I need to be married?

A: In Jamaica, you need to be married  for two years before you can get a divorce

How long do I need to be separated?

A: You need to be separated for at least a year before you get a divorce according to the law in Jamaica.

FAQ 3:
Can I get a divorce because I am tired of the person?

A: Not really. You need to have good strong grounds for seeking the divorce, common real examples are extra-marital affairs and abuse to name  a few.

FAQ 4:How long does the divorce take?

A: It depends The court system in Jamaica has improved significantly, so in some instances it can take as short as a year. It is difficult to put a time period as it depends  on variables such as the workload of the court.

FAQ5Can I serve the documents myself or a police officer?

A: No and no. You need an external party who would be referred to as a process server

FAQ6Can we be separated but living under the same roof?

A: Yes although this is not considered favourable , the court is aware that sometimes, financial constraints may prevent one of the parties from  getting independent living arrangements however, the marriage should not be consummated.

If you have more questions give us a call and/email and check out our other divorce articles! Looking forward to hearing from you #divorces #lawyersinjamaica #legalhelp #lawfirm

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